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Writer's pictureNetwork of Life

June 2019 Letter: Marcy’s Story

Maybe you’ve heard of 40 Days For Life, a national campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigils in front of local abortion clinics. Recently, while praying in front of Planned Parenthood, one of the Pittsburgh 40 Days participants called our Oakland Center hoping we could provide an ultrasound for a young lady she met on the sidewalk. “Marcy,” only 14 years old, had an appointment scheduled for an abortion, but the appointment was delayed because Marcy neglected to bring her birth certificate.

She clutched $700 in her hand, provided that morning by her mother, to pay for the abortion. Within minutes, the two were at our door. We learned that Marcy was in middle school, her boyfriend was pressuring her to abort, and that she felt very alone in this decision. She told us she had been crying all morning and didn’t know what to do. Wisely, she shared that she felt too young to have a baby but knew that she would regret an abortion for the rest of her life. We talked through all of her options and offered her an ultrasound.

After the scan, Marcy seemed overwhelmed but made plans to carry the baby to term. And even though she had indicated “no religion,” on the intake form, she repeatedly said that this was a sign from God. She was referring of course to the delay, the miraculous appearance of this sidewalk prayer warrior, and to our WCN team.

We are seeing young women like Marcy every single day in our centers. Our Life Support Programs wrap around these clients and their families for up to two years while they make vital decisions and plans. Your gifts keep our doors open so that our staff can provide these life saving and heart transforming services. Thank you so much and please keep Marcy in your prayers! She’ll be starting high school next year 30 weeks pregnant, and her teenage years are going to look very different than she ever imagined. But she had the courage to choose life and is now surrounded by the support she needs for a safe pregnancy and delivery.

We are so grateful to you!

Amy Scheuring, Executive Director

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