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Who We Are

We empower abortion-vulnerable women to choose life. Since 1985, our Centers have provided life-affirming pregnancy services to thousands of families in Pittsburgh. In 2009, our Centers re-organized as Women's Choice Network. We serve at three medical clinics in Oakland, Monroeville, and the North Side and our Administrative Offices are located in Wexford.

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The Network of Life

“I have no choice… I have to get an abortion.” By 2009, we had heard these words far too often. As two local pregnancy organizations merged to form a city-wide network, we wanted every woman to know that she did indeed have a choice and that her choice for life would be supported during her pregnancy and beyond. We chose the name Women’s Choice Network and the name continues to reach women who are considering abortion.


But there has been an important shift in our culture since 2009. We’ve recognized a need to impact not only our clients but our culture, which is thirsty for compassion and clarity. In 2023, we expanded our vision to more effectively impact a broader audience. The Network of Life is an “umbrella” over our direct client services, our education for the community, and our outreach to churches. You will see the new Network of Life name and logo on our partner website and in our printed materials. Our three medical pregnancy centers continue to be the centerpiece of our work and will continue to operate under the name Women’s Choice Network.


We continue to serve with the same mission in mind, but a new name that includes all of the many resources and programs that build a culture of life in Pittsburgh. Our supporters and partners are the vital foundation of this new and expanding network. Your gifts, prayers, and volunteerism support the same mission but with a name that is more welcoming and descriptive of our vision to see our city become a sanctuary city for the unborn!


We believe that these four distinctives are the key to our success.

We Are Faith Based

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to all that we do

We Value People

We are intentional about loving people where they are while opening up opportunities to be all they can be. We serve both men and women regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or creed.

We Are Medical

Three Medical Directors oversee our team. Each Center is staffed by RNs.
Ultrasounds are performed by RDMS specialists and read by our Physicians. STD testing & treatment is available at all of our locations. We provide abortion pill reversal to those who’ve begun a medical abortion.

We Are Transformational

Our programs foster long term relationships. Our Centers are located in easily accessible areas near those with the greatest need so that face-to-face encounters can continue. Life Support, Doctor Dad, and Breathe After Abortion Care are vital long-term programs that allow healing, growth, and life transforming relationships.

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