The work inside our Centers is challenging. While providing pregnancy testing, STD testing, and ultrasound, our team members are trusted with information that is personal, intimate, shattering, moving, and sometimes disturbing. And while we rejoice when clients make a choice for life, there are too many who chose abortion. When protesters began to appear at our doors, it seemed as if there was no good news and our enemies were surrounding us.
At a staff meeting two years ago we looked at the familiar 23rd Psalm. The Psalmist says that God “prepares a table before us in the presence of my enemies.” We began to wonder what would be on a table that God prepared that would be seen by our enemies? Together we built a place to share only the good things from each day. We called it Good Stuff From the Table and it has been a daily blessing. With subject lines like, “Monroeville Miracle,” “Best Day Ever,” “It’s All Worth It!” and more, I love seeing the Good Stuff from the Staff. Let me share three of those stories from this past year.
A new little guy was born last week. He has the sweetest smile. His mom & dad came to the center because the mom didn’t have insurance. They love Jesus & knew His will for their lives was for them to be married. They did Life Support classes together and soon thereafter decided to get married! Praise God! Now this little boy has a loving family to raise him in the way he should go. It’s all worth it! All glory to God! He is worthy of all praise!
A girl in her early 20s came into the office for STI screening. She was involved with several different men within the last month. Prior to our appointment, she mentioned to a friend that she wanted to be abstinent, and her friend told her that she was “too far gone” to be able to do it. God brought her here to our office to get the encouragement she needed! I was able to encourage her and help support her in that decision. Together we prayed together about her journey of abstinence and asked God to reveal Himself to her. She took home a Bible and Christian booklet with her. When I called the following week, she told me she has not had sex since the last time I saw her! She said, “It feels good to know I am not giving my body to people.”A week may seem laughable to some, but that is a huge success for others!
A girl in her teens came in looking for information about the abortion pill. She had already had an ultrasound somewhere else but her boyfriend was not allowed to go to the appointment with her. She decided to come in and talk with us and bring her boyfriend into the sonogram room to see their baby, he is only 16. They have been back and forth in their decision but today after talking to her she has decided to carry to term and is enrolling in our Life support program. Please continue to pray with us for this couple and this new little life
Thank you for your recent gift that makes the Good Stuff possible!