Every client we serve is on a journey. As our team of nurses and client advocates listen and care for clients, we join them in their journey and are inspired by the amazing transformations in their lives. For some, that transformation is immediate.
Tess came to our Oakland Center for a pregnancy test. She clearly indicated that if the test was positive, her intention was to get an abortion. Her journey has been a painful one including a divorce from her husband of 10 years and two previous abortions. As our staff members carefully presented information about her developing baby, Tess began to re-evaluate her options and indicated she was then seriously considering carrying her baby. Her ultrasound revealed a very early pregnancy—too early to obtain a good image or baby measurement at this time. But Tess was already convinced that abortion was no longer an option. So often we rely on the ultrasound to change hearts and minds but we forget the incredible value of human relationships and how sitting down with our clients, talking with them, showing them that we care and provide solid information is so important and effective! Tess chose life that day and is now enrolled in our ongoing Life Support program tracks as she prepares to become anew mom.
And sometimes the transformation takes time. After a positive pregnancy test at one of our Centers last year, Holly left and chose abortion. She later returned to us for an STD test but did not make any changes in her lifestyle. When she returned recently for another STD test, the door opened up for our team to share the gospel. The WCN staff member gaveHolly a Bible and then asked what she thought it was about. Holly was a little uncertain but remembers reading the Bible with her grandmother as a young girl. She told us that she had been thinking about going back to church but that her work schedule hadn’t allowed it. Holly was receptive to listening to ‘what the Bible is about’ and God’s amazing story of restoring relationship between himself and mankind. We were able to read Romans 6:23 and John 14:1-7.
The Staff member took a piece of paper and drew a bridge to help illustrate and describe God’s salvation of mankind. Holly listened and opened up her new Bible. She then took the paper with the bridge and asked to use it as a bookmark for John14:1-7 so she could find it easily later on. Holly began an incredible new journey that day.God is at work in our Centers! We are seeing more clients than ever before. To meet the needs and care for each one, we rely on your partnership. Thank you so much for your financial gift to us. It is making an eternal difference in the lives of hundreds of families!
Bringing Pittsburgh to Life,Amy Scheuring, Executive Director