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Fact Check Friday- Can Anything be Done to End Abortion?

This weeks claim...

"There's really nothing we can do to stop abortion.”

What they say.

“I have no right to tell a woman what to do with her body.”

“I’m personally pro-life but I don’t feel that it’s right to tell someone else they shouldn’t have an abortion.”

“Abortion is simply a necessary evil to eliminate poverty and help poor women.”

“It’s not my place to judge. Live and let live…I just want to love people and be a good person.”

You’ve certainly heard some of these comments. Maybe you’ve said or felt these same things. Our culture demands that we not only tolerate those we disagree with but to affirm and even celebrate their actions and choices. We strive to be “good people.” We want to be loving and kind. We are careful not to offend or appear harsh or judgmental.

But Wait:

Have you ever watched in silence as a friend left to drive home drunk? Have you ever looked away when a parent was abusing a child… or a pet? Would you let a friend repeatedly return to an abusive relationship without a word? Would you simply "live and let live?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “Evil prevails when good men do nothing.” The essence of the quote can be traced back to an 1867 address by John Stuart Mill, who stated: “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

Consider these facts

  • 7804 women suffered an abortion in Allegheny County last year.

  • That’s 1091 more abortions than the previous year.

  • There was a 45% increase in abortion complications in the last year here in Pittsburgh. Young women are being harmed.

  • Think of it--21 of our friends, neighbors, daughters, and co-workers get an abortion every single day in our city.

  • Over half will end their child’s life with an abortion pill procedure where they will never see a doctor and will abort at home in the bathroom with no support or help.

What do "Good People" do?

The Samaritan in Luke 10 was called “good” not because he had good opinions but because he had good actions. He stopped and intervened. He picked up the injured man, then oversaw and funded his care. The Samaritan broke through the cultural norms, stepped out of his comfort zone and was Jesus’ archetype to represent how to love your neighbor. "Do this and you will live," Jesus said. And you can do the same.

God has invested in you. You have gifts and talents that God has cultivated. You were fearfully and wonderfully formed--created by God with a purpose and a plan and a destiny that only you can fulfill. God has worked in your heart for such a time as this!

Your church too is filled with people blessed with various callings and vocations. Some people are uniquely gifted to provide adoptive homes, support for families, or as mentors inside our centers. Some lean toward public policy, some can advance the dignity of all human persons in the public square. All of us are called to love our neighbors and intervene with compassion and practical help to uphold the dignity of human life.

5 Things You Can Do!

  • Pray with us. Enlist in our Road Crew prayer community.

  • Learn More. Come visit our centers at our Birthday parties next month. Tour, meet frontline staff, and learn more about volunteer opportunities.

  • Become a part of the Promise Network. By donating monthly you help us reach and serve those who are vulnerable to abortion.

  • Build a Culture of Life at Your Church by launching a Baby Bottle Campaign or organizing volunteer opportunities.

  • Let your voice be heard in the public square. Talk with your local representatives and encourage them to stand up for women and unborn children.

If we truly hope to be a sanctuary city for life, we must care for those who need us most. Please consider a generous gift to help us save more lives and transform families.

Take it to Prayer:

Ask God how you can be used to advance the message of life.

Pray for those around us who seek to be "good people" but miss opportunities to intervene with life transforming care.

Ask God to give you opportunities inside your church to build a culture of life.

Pray for those who impact public policy to boldly step outside the cultural norms to use their voice to protect women and unborn babies.

Pray that Pittsburgh could become a sanctuary city for life! 

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