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April 2021 Letter – Kalia’s Story

The Nest children’s resale store was bustling with activity when I walked in. The door was open, and the beautiful April weather brought in shoppers for great deals on strollers and Spring clothing. And then I noticed Kalia who was waiting at the check-out counter. Kalia was a recent client enrolled in our Life Support program. With a due date not far away, Kalia was faithfully completing the Pre-natal education track. Just behind her was Nicole, one of our client services staff members. “I’m Kalia’s personal shopper today,” Nicole told us, “Just take a look at some of these outfits!” There was a substantial bag of clothing, blankets, and infant needs on the counter and Kalia’s eyes lit up as we looked through them one by one. 

Like so many of our young moms, Kalia had faced very challenging circumstances and made some poor decisions—especially during the covid crisis. When she walked in our doors, she was determined to get an abortion. But God is a God of the impossible. Our services, prayers, and staff made the difference and Kalia chose to continue the pregnancy and make some important lifestyle changes. 

I learned later that Kalia had been struggling with vertigo and nausea during the pregnancy. Knowing what was needed, Nicole arranged to pick her up that day and assisted her with shopping at The Nest and then at some other stores to help out. The Nest was also able to provide a crib and some other furnishings over the next few days. 

When we opened The Nest this past Fall, our hope was to serve Pittsburgh families by providing a beautiful resale boutique. And the results have been amazing. The store is gaining new customers daily who find out more about our life affirming ministry. Every purchase provides revenue that go directly to our client services. But seeing the direct connection to Kalia and the Life Support program was a powerful reminder that our mission extends far past the day that moms choose life. Our commitment to walk through the important months of pregnancy and early parenting are vital and demonstrate our Christian faith in tangible ways. 

Thank you so much for putting a smile on Kalia’s face that day. Your partnership is changing minds and transforming families!

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