The Director of our Monroeville clinic requests prayers for two young women:
“I had two different young ladies reach out to me recently who were former clients. Both of these ladies came to us last year for their first pregnancy, but unfortunately chose abortion in the end. One of these young ladies was only 14 years old. I am asking for prayer because, it seems that each of these young ladies are pregnant again for the second time and both of them thought to contact WCN to help them with this pregnancy too. I am so thankful that both of these women had a positive experience at our center that they felt loved and safe enough to return even though they previously chose abortion. Please pray that the Lord would provide our team with grace and loving kindness as we meet with them a year later. Pray that the Lord would prick their heart and empower them not to make the same decision they did for their child last year. And please pray that they understand that there is hope and healing available to them for their previous abortion.”
“Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life.” Deuteronomy 30: 19b-20a