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August 2022 Letter – “Naomi”‘s Story

“I know I initially wanted an abortion but having him was the best thing that ever happened to me.” –Naomi

Since the Supreme Court decision in late June, pregnancy centers like ours have been prominent in the media. Distortions, twisted misrepresentations, and downright lies have accused us of hurting women at “fake” clinics. We’ve suffered vandalism, censorship, and maligning reviews from abortion activists. And in late July, Pittsburgh City Council passed an ordinance to dissuade us from advertising our services. So when I hear the words of our grateful clients, I praise God! We are reaching those who are vulnerable. We are giving young moms the choice for life! 

Naomi* was one of those clients. She had already made an abortion appointment at a clinic in East Liberty. But because we offered a free ultrasound, she visited Women’s Choice Network to get an accurate idea of how far along she was. It was the sonogram that convinced her that there was another choice. And last week, when we called to follow up, she began to cry, “I’m so glad I had him,” she said, “I was going to get an abortion, but once I found out how far along I was, I decided against it—and he’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” To her surprise, Naomi’s mom was supportive and told her, “Maybe this is a sign from God.” 

We routinely hear these words from our clients. Your support assures that on average, one baby is saved from abortion every single day in our centers. One mom is spared the suffering that comes after abortion. One young man is empowered to be a dad. Little lives, created in God’s Image are protected. Together we stand and challenge the media’s narrative. And when you stand up for those most vulnerable, you stand in defense of our Creator God! 

Thank you for your recent gift! Look for your invitation to our Fall Fundraising Banquet coming up on September 15 at the David Lawrence Convention Center. Can’t wait to see you there! 

With great thanks,

Amy Scheuring, Executive Director

*This client’s identity is protected. 

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